Volunteer Roles

Here are some ways volunteers support the work of the agency:

  • One-to-one support for children and youth through engagement in activities that help boost self-esteem and build social skills.
  • Homework and tutoring support for children and youth facing learning challenges or dealing with educational gaps.
  • Provide transportation for children and youth to daycare, school, family visits, appointments, and summer camp. Transportation support is one of the main requests and greatest areas of need for our families.
  • Assisting parents, caregivers and families with daily tasks and providing wrap around supports.
  • Support for groups, programs and family meetings by providing childcare or helping with group activities.
  • Support for special projects and activities in a variety of roles for both the work of the Agency and the Foundation.
  • Help prepare Life Books for children and youth involved with our agency to capture events and milestones in their life while creating an atmosphere of connectedness to others.

Family and Children’s Services is committed to a diverse, inclusive, equitable and accessible workplace. We encourage applications from all members of an Equity deserving group and/or those with lived experience to be part of our Volunteer Program.

To start the process, please complete the Volunteer Application form . We will then contact you to schedule your interview, and mandatory background check. After completing the onboarding and volunteer driver training, you’re ready to roll.

Contact info: volunteer.services@facswaterloo.org