Our Place Reflection

With a deep sense of sadness and loss, I acknowledge that Our Place is ending its operations within the Waterloo Region, thus leaving us with memories of many years of service, friendship, collaborations and a welcoming space for young mothers, infants and community members.
The impact of Our Place’s closure is going be felt significantly by young mothers, fathers and infants within this region. Over the years, I have witnessed countless young mothers, fathers and grandmothers coming to the Family Centre to attend the programming that Our Place has offered.
Our Place leaves a legacy that inspires us to value grassroots organizations committed to serving the needs of young parents, in particular new mothers from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Building services and employing diverse staff to deliver innovative programs requires immense knowledge, effort, and commitment, hence, I personally feel and believe that losing Our Place is an immense loss for our community. At the same time, I am hoping that the lessons learned, values upheld, and knowledge gained through grassroots programming at Our Place will continue to live on and manifest in different ways through the work and lives of those who created, delivered and received services through Our Place.
As the Family Centre manager, I will continue to embrace the values of collective wellbeing, hope, friendship and partnership as I further reflect upon the contribution of Our Place in building resilience among program participants, staff and the larger community. Their presence and work will be deeply missed at the Family Centre.
I wish well to all staff and parents as they continue building healthy communities, thus keeping the legacy of Our Place alive.
Santiago Grande
Family Centre Manager