Winter Groups Register Now
Please see the information below for some of our upcoming Winter groups.
There are both VIRTUAL and IN PERSON groups for children, youth, and adults to best meet their individual needs.
Referral Process:
Simply select the link below or use the QR code to bring you to the Resilience Project Website. Select the group that you want and complete necessary information. If you have any questions about the referral process or how a particular group can support your family, please call, or email any of the Group Facilitators or myself.
Link to program list and registration form:
Trusting Loving Connections (Virtual)
Caregivers of children 0-12 years of age
A 10-week group for caregivers parenting children between birth and 12. The program seeks to offer support to caregivers to gain a better understanding of how their own childhood experiences and attachment relationships affect their parenting and their relationships with their children.
In partnership with Women Crisis Services
Where: Virtual
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Dates: January 15-March 26
Facilitators: Ahren Steiman & Angela Saldana (WCS)
Co-delivered with Women’s Crisis Services of the Waterloo Region. FACS staff to obtain verbal consent for the sharing of client contact information with WCSWR, prior to submitting the referral.
Circle of Security (Virtual)
Caregivers of children ages 0-12
An 8-week program to support caregivers to see their child’s behaviour through an attachment lens. The program supports caregivers in understanding their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs.
The caregivers learn ways to help their child manage emotions, develop better self-esteem, and enhance their attachment.
In partnership with Women Crisis Services
Where: Virtual
Day: Thursdays
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Dates: January 23-March 20
Facilitators: Ahren Steinman & Honora Harvey (WCS)
Co-delivered with Women’s Crisis Services of the Waterloo Region. FACS staff to obtain verbal consent for the sharing of client contact information with WCSWR, prior to submitting the referral.
Family Cooking (In Person)
Children 6-10 years of age and Caregivers are welcome to join
Family Cooking is a fun and interactive group that engages the entire family in discussions about nutrition, healthy, affordable cooking, and trying new and exciting foods.
In this after school program, meals will be prepared and enjoyed together.
In partnership with Greenway Chaplin CC
Where: 116 Rouse Ave., Cambridge (Greenway Chaplin CC)
Day: Tuesdays
Time: 4:00-5:00 PM
Dates: January 21-March 18
Facilitators: Ahren Steinman & Jordan Faber (GWCC)
***Co-delivered with Greenway Chaplin Community Centre. FACS staff to obtain verbal consent for the sharing of client contact information with GC, prior to submitting the referral.
Inspire (In Person)
Children/Youth 9-11 years of age
Grades 4-6
Inspire is a free, afterschool group for youth in Grades 4-6.
Join us for fun and games, where they will discuss topics including bullying, family changes, building empathy within the world around us to support a healthy future and much more.
In partnership with Women’s Crisis Services
Where: 22 Chandler Dr., (Chandler Mowat Community Centre)
Day: Thursdays
Time: 4:00-5:00 PM
Dates: January 16-March 20
Facilitators: Ahren Steiman & Urouba Kharma (WCSWR)
Co-delivered with Women’s Crisis Services of the Waterloo Region. FACS staff to obtain verbal consent for the sharing of client contact information with WCSWR, prior to submitting the referral.
I AM (In Person)
Children/Youth 11-13 years of age
Youth Grades 6-8
I AM is a free, afterschool group for youth in Grades 6-8.
I AM is a 8 week group that works to build healthy relationships with friends, family and classmates through building self-esteem and self-worth. Through fun, engaging and interactive activities, I AM examines the importance of healthy relationships and a positive personal image. The group brings awareness and explore topics that can impact an individual’s self-esteem and how that can affect daily decisions and relationship in an age of strong media influences
In partnership with Women’s Crisis Services
Where: 22 Chandler Dr., (Chandler Mowat Community Centre)
Day: Thursdays
Time: 6:00-7:00 PM
Dates: January 16-March 20
Facilitators: Ahren Steinman & Urouba Kharma (WCSWR)
Co-delivered with Women’s Crisis Services of the Waterloo Region. FACS staff to obtain verbal consent for the sharing of client contact information with WCSWR, prior to submitting the referral.