African Family Revival Organization (AFRO)
Covid-19 Support to Black Senior Community in Waterloo Region
AFRO with the support of the Red Cross and the Government of Canada is offering packs that include: face masks, sanitizer, a $25 food voucher and vitamin D supplements for individuals 70 years of age or older.
How can a senior get a package? Call 519-576-0540 ext. 3731 or email Nasir or Laila to arrange a delivery or a pick up location.
- (Nasir)
- lailajama05@gmailcom (Laila)
Support Through the Generations
Support Through the Generations is a program that supports Black/African Origin/Newcomer older adults with dementia (and their caregivers), and works to build meaningful, supportive relationships between older adults and our community's youth.

Are you a high school student in need of volunteer hours?
The Intergenerational Project can offer a tremendous opportunity for you. What is the project about you ask? It is all about connecting the youth with isolated seniors. For more information please contact: Mona Loffelmann by email at: or
Mini Me to We (Via Zoom) Girls Group - Ages 11 - 13 years old
For information/registration on this and/or all AFRO programs please contact:
Mona Loffelmann by email at: or or visit African Family Revival Organization's website at: